A new perspective on the genomes of archaic humans

A genome by itself is like a recipe without a chef—full of important information, but in need of interpretation. So, even though we have sequenced genomes of our nearest extinct relatives—the Neanderthals and the Denisovans—there ...

Chatbots are cost-effective but can create customer fury

Chatbots are expected to drive 95% of online customer service interactions by 2025 but QUT research has found a failure to meet customer expectations is also driving frustration among users, reducing their likelihood of making ...

Baby seals can change their tone of voice

Hoover the "talking seal" famously imitated human speech. But can baby seals already adapt their voices to sounds? Researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics in Nijmegen, the Free University of Brussels ...

Horses differentiate human expressions of sadness and joy

A new study shows that horses can differentiate between expressions of joy and sadness displayed by humans through facial movements or voice tones. Horses were more attracted by the facial expressions of joy than sadness ...

Study reveals human ability to make ourselves sound bigger

Research from the University of Sussex suggests that humans are unique among primates in being able to intentionally alter the frequencies of our voices to sound larger or smaller than we really are, a capacity that is likely ...

Cows prefer "live" co-moo-nication, study reveals

After months of technology-based communication enforced by COVID-19, many of us are missing a "live" human voice. But we're not the only ones—a new study reveals that cows also prefer a face-to-face chat. The research, ...

Creating eco-friendly sound absorbers from seaweed

From airplanes to apartments, most spaces are now designed with sound-absorbing materials that help dampen the droning, echoing and murmuring sounds of everyday life. But most of the acoustic materials that can cancel out ...

How landline phones made us happy and connected

Smartphones and the internet have revolutionised society, commerce, and politics, reshaping how we work and play, and how our brains are wired. They have even revolutionised how revolutions are made.

Is every human voice and fingerprint really unique?

Barclays, the UK bank, is to replace the password system on its phone banking service with personal voice recognition. "Unlike a password, each person's voice is as unique as a fingerprint," said Steven Cooper, Barclays' ...

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