US public views on climate and energy

Majorities of Americans say the federal government is doing too little for key aspects of the environment. And most believe the U.S. should focus on development of alternative sources of energy over expansion of fossil fuels, ...

World warned: change now or endanger food and climate

Humanity faces increasingly painful trade-offs between food security and rising temperatures within decades unless emissions are curbed and unsustainable farming and deforestation halted, a landmark climate assessment said ...

Coordination polymers with up to 99.99% antibacterial efficiency

An RUDN University chemist with his colleagues from Portugal has developed two types of coating based on new coordination polymers with silver. Both compounds were successfully tested against four common pathogens. The results ...

Plants as biomonitors of heavy metals

There are many sources of heavy metal pollutants, including vehicle exhausts, various industries, mines, thermal plants, and other combustion processes, and even volcanic activity. The presence of heavy metals in the environment ...

Parasitic bat flies offer window into lives of hosts

A new study on a Bahamian bat makes the case for using the species' unusual parasites to reveal details about the species' populations on the archipelago. Using parasites to glean information about their hosts isn't a new ...

Supporting minority languages requires more than token gestures

In August 2022, Statistics Canada released the latest census data on languages in Canada. According to the data, over nine million people—or one in four Canadians—has a mother tongue other than English or French (a record ...

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