Turning sweat against itself with a metal-free antiperspirant

Body odor is an unpleasant smell, produced when bacteria living on the skin break down the proteins in sweat. To avoid stinking, some people apply antiperspirants that clog sweat ducts with foreign materials, such as metals, ...

Team proves the concept of a natural approach to antiperspirants

Sweating is a natural function of the human body, allowing a body to cool itself as sweat emerges from glands and evaporates. Separately, this process may produce odors as bacteria present on the skin break down sweat proteins. ...

Wristbands do a health check while you work out

Next-generation fitness sensors could give deeper insights into human health through noninvasive testing of bodily fluids. A stretchy patch developed at KAUST could help this approach by making it easier to analyze sweat ...

How mosquitoes smell human sweat (and new ways to stop them)

Female mosquitoes are known to rely on an array of sensory information to find people to bite, picking up on carbon dioxide, body odor, heat, moisture, and visual cues. Now researchers reporting in the journal Current Biology ...

Why mosquitoes bite some people more than others

Surprisingly few of the more than 3,000 mosquito species actually specialise in biting humans. Instead, most are opportunistic feeders – feeding when they are able and from lots of different sources. But Aedes aegypti and ...

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