Study evaluates accuracy of tests for Bartonella infection in dogs

A study led by University of Wisconsin–Madison School of Veterinary Medicine Clinical Assistant Professor Erin Lashnits provides new insights into how best to diagnose Bartonella infection in dogs, a common flea-borne disease ...

Calculating human health risks with general weather data

Weather stations provide detailed records of temperature, precipitation, and storm events. These stations, however, are not always well spaced and can be scattered throughout cities or can even be absent in remote regions.

How human cells coordinate the start of DNA replication

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) President and CEO Bruce Stillman has been dissecting DNA replication, a critical step in cell division, since the 1980s. His lab studies how Origin Recognition Complexes—ORCs—coordinate ...

COVID-19 helps understand human impacts on marine organisms

A team of 22 scientists have used data from the Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS) to track the movements of marine organisms during the COVID-19 lockdown in a new study, revealing the impact of human activities on ...

No second chance to make trusting first impression, or is there?

In business, as in life, it is important to make a good first impression and according to research at the University of New Hampshire a positive initial trust interaction can be helpful in building a lasting trust relationship. ...

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