Related topics: brain · current biology

'Emotionsense' determines emotions by phone

 A system which enables psychologists to track people’s emotional behavior through their mobile phones has been successfully road-tested by researchers.

Why can we talk? 'Humanized' mice speak volumes

Mice carrying a "humanized version" of a gene believed to influence speech and language may not actually talk, but they nonetheless do have a lot to say about our evolutionary past, according to a report in the May 29th issue ...

It's like software understands, um, language

( -- EU researchers have taken speech recognition to a whole new level by creating software that can understand spontaneous language. It will, like, make human-machine interaction, um, work a lot more, er, smoothly.

Economics research shows free speech benefits the poor the most

Recently published research analyzes the types of people who benefit most from freedom of speech. The research found people with more resources place greater priority on freedom of speech. However, people with fewer resources ...

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