Toronto study shows mobile spyware's long shadow

(—Spyware sold legally can infect BlackBerrys, iPhones, and other mobile devices, according to a study from two security researchers at the University of Toronto Munk School of Global Affairs' Citizen Lab. Morgan ...

Wastewater key to quenching global thirst, review finds

Parched cities and regions across the globe are using sewage effluent and other wastewater in creative ways to augment drinking water, but 4 billion people still do not have adequate supplies, and that number will rise in ...

Google adds warning of 'state-sponsored attacks'

(AP) — Google said Wednesday that it has added a feature to warn users whose accounts it believes are targets of "state-sponsored attacks," but the Internet giant did not cite a specific government.

A lead isotopic standard for instrument calibration

Stable isotope analysis is an important interdisciplinary tool used by numerous fields such as nuclear and homeland security, forensics, medicine and pharmaceuticals, human health and nutrition, and climate science. Achieving ...

Rethinking boundaries in a warming world

These days, migration is always in the news. Around the world, people are displaced by war, political oppression, poverty and violence; every day, families risk their lives in search of better environments.

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