National security vs. online privacy

One method for safeguarding online anonymity is Tor, "the onion router", whose name comes from its method of adding and stripping away encryption layer by layer as messages pass from one node to another in the network en ...

How to break Murphy's Law

Murphy's Law is a useful scapegoat for human error: "If something can go wrong, it will." But, a new study by researchers in Canada hopes to put paid to this unscientific excuse for errors by showing that the introduction ...

Plastic pollution could be cut by 80% by 2040, says UN report

Plastic pollution could reduce by 80% by 2040 if countries and companies make deep policy and market shifts using existing technologies, according to a new report by UN Environment Program (UNEP). The report is released ahead ...

Scientists discover a social cue of safety

For schools of fish, herds of antelope, and even human societies, inherent safety is one of many advantages of cooperative groups. Surrounded by their peers, individuals can lower their vigilance and calmly engage in other ...

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