How AI alters middle managers' work

The introduction of artificial intelligence is a significant part of the digital transformation bringing challenges and changes to the job descriptions among management. A study conducted at the University of Eastern Finland ...

Report: Climate change is threatening health globally

The effects of climate change are killing people and negatively affecting the health of more and more people in the world. The growing health threats could worsen if we do not urgently address climate change. Even at a global ...

UN resuming talks on high-seas treaty amid growing concerns

After four inconclusive sessions, UN member states on Monday resume talks aimed at finally completing a treaty to protect the world's high seas, a vital yet fragile resource that covers nearly half the planet.

Hearing loss in dogs associated with dementia

A new study from North Carolina State University explores the connection between hearing loss and dementia in geriatric dogs. The work could aid in both treatment of aging dogs and in understanding the relationship between ...

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