Mending the hearts of a beloved dog breed

Suzanne Cunningham, a veterinary cardiologist and associate professor at Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine, loves boxer dogs, but they've been breaking her heart since she was a child.

Lasers to destroy bladder stones in animals

Urinary tract stones in cats and dogs can now be 'pulverised' by new laser technology acquired by The University of Queensland's veterinary hospital.

Taming CRISPR's collateral damage

CRISPR-Cas9 can alter genes at pre-defined sites in specific ways, but it does not always act as planned. An LMU team has now developed a simple method to detect unintended "on-target" events, and shown that they often occur ...

CRISPR gene cuts may offer new way to chart human genome

In search of new ways to sequence human genomes and read critical alterations in DNA, researchers at Johns Hopkins Medicine say they have successfully used the gene cutting tool CRISPR to make cuts in DNA around lengthy tumor ...

Research shows the way to more efficient EPO production

To many people, EPO rhymes with doping and cycling. But in fact, EPO is an important medical drug. This hormone works naturally in the body by stimulating red blood cell production. Patients suffering from anemia caused by ...

Doctors come together to save eyesight of 3-year-old gorilla

Animal care specialists at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park were concerned when they noticed cloudiness in the left eye of Leslie, a three-year-old female western lowland gorilla. Closer inspection confirmed the lens had changed ...

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