How we created the 'perfect storm' for pandemics

The way that many of us live has created the "perfect storm" for the evolution and transmission of infectious diseases like COVID-19 according to a researcher at the University of East Anglia.

Tool helps catch bacterial infections in real time

A research team led by Professor Xiang David Li from the Department of Chemistry at The University of Hong Kong (HKU) has developed a novel chemical tool to reveal how bacteria adapt to the host environment and control host ...

The enemy within: How pathogens spread unrecognized in the body

Some pathogens hide inside human cells to enhance their survival. Researchers at the University of Basel, have uncovered a unique tactic certain bacteria use to spread in the body without being detected by the immune system. ...

Aquaculture industry may benefit from water mold genome study

( —An Oregon State University scientist and partners borrowed some technology from the Human Genome Project to more clearly identify the genes used by a type of water mold that attacks fish and causes millions ...

Keeping bacteria at bay in Hawaiian water bodies

During heavy rains, Hawaii's streams, rivers, and nearshore waters change on microscopic levels. Bacteria in these aquatic systems increase, and some of these bacteria can be harmful to human health. They can cause problems ...

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