Transparent human organs allow 3-D maps at the cellular level

For the first time, researchers have managed to make intact human organs transparent. Using microscopic imaging, they revealed complex underlying structures of the transparent organs at the cellular level. The resulting organ ...

Egg-based flu vaccines: Not all they're cracked up to be?

Flu season is underway in the Northern Hemisphere, sickening millions of people and in rare cases, causing hospitalization or death. The best prevention is a flu shot, but it's not unusual for these vaccines to be less effective ...

Hermit crabs' lesson on wealth inequality

Can hermit crabs teach us about a common global problem—wealth inequality? The answer is yes, according to a first-of-its-kind study published in the January issue of Physica A.

How cells learn to 'count'

One of the wonders of cell biology is its symmetry. Mammalian cells have one nucleus and one cell membrane, and most humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes. Trillions of mammalian cells achieve this uniformity—but some consistently ...

The 'airbag' that protects cells against stress

Scientists at the Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares (CNIC) have identified the molecular mechanisms that allow cells to survive mechanical stress. The results, published today in Nature Communications, show ...

How microbes reflect the health of coral reefs

Microorganisms play important roles in the health and protection of coral reefs, yet exploring these connections can be difficult due to the lack of unspoiled reef systems throughout the global ocean. A collaborative study ...

What blocks bird flu in human cells?

Normally, bird flu viruses do not spread easily from person to person. But if this does happen, it could trigger a pandemic. Researchers from the MDC and RKI have now explained in the journal Nature Communications what makes ...

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