Bumblebees have poor, but useful memories

Bumblebees don't seem to keep memories for how sweet a flower was, but instead only remember if it was sweeter than another flower, according to researchers at Queen Mary University of London, along with an international ...

Rocks unravel the secrets of the Earth's magnetic field

More than 350 million years ago something odd was going on with the Earth's magnetic field. Scientists now propose that the field was really weak, which may have affected life on our planet.

Photonic synapses with low power consumption and high sensitivity

Neuromorphic photonics/electronics is the future of ultralow energy intelligent computing and artificial intelligence (AI). In recent years, inspired by the human brain, artificial neuromorphic devices have attracted extensive ...

Mimicking brain functions with graphene-diamond junctions

The human brain holds the secret to our unique personalities. But did you know that it can also form the basis of highly efficient computing devices? Researchers from Nagoya University, Japan, recently showed how to do this, ...

How cells remember inflammation

When a tissue experiences inflammation, its cells remember. Pinning proteins to its genetic material at the height of inflammation, the cells bookmark where they left off in their last tussle. Next exposure, inflammatory ...

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