20,000 premature US deaths caused by human-ignited fires

Over 80% of premature deaths caused by small smoke particles in the United States result directly from human-ignited fires. This is the outcome of a study published today in IOP Publishing's journal Environmental Research ...

Human fetal lung cell atlas uncovers 144 cell states

The developing human lung has been mapped in unprecedented detail, identifying 144 cell states in the early stages of life, and uncovering new links between developmental cells and lung cancer.

Why does COVID-19 impact only some organs, not others?

In severe cases of COVID-19, damage can spread beyond the lungs and into other organs, such as the heart, liver, kidney and parts of the neurological system. Beyond these specific sets of organs, however, the virus seems ...

Putting cells through their paces

The spheroid is the width of a few human hairs and made up of 25,000 human lung cells clustered together with iron particle, suspended in a fluid that runs though a microscopic obstacle course of channels sealed between glass.

How anthrax spores grow in cultured human tissues

Cultured human lung cells infected with a benign version of anthrax spores have yielded insights into how anthrax grows and spreads in exposed people. The study, published in the Journal of Applied Microbiology, will help ...

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