Weka: Sandwich-stealing scallywags or ecosystem managers?

Weka are often portrayed as little more than sandwich-stealing scallywags. The large, brown flightless bird's tendency to be curious and gobble any food available (whether it be an unwatched biscuit, penguin egg or endangered ...

Research finds a new way to reduce food waste

Pity the poor blemished banana. In a society that equates beauty with quality, the perception that blemished produce is less desirable than its perfect peers contributes to 1.3 billion tons of wasted food a year globally.

Scientists recommend procedures for the protection of the oceans

Together with an international team, Senckenberg scientist Angelika Brandt has published an inventory of the current knowledge and discussions concerning marine areas beyond national jurisdiction (ABNJ). With regard to urgently ...

Cat causes carnage in rare seabird colony

Ph.D. student Claire Greenwell from Murdoch University's Harry Butler Institute helped to establish the successful Fairy Tern colony in Mandurah, South-Western Australia, resulting in a thriving colony containing 111 nests ...

Measuring human impact on coastal ecosystems

Lush seagrass beds that support marine life, store carbon and prevent coastal erosion are on the decline due to such things as farming, aquaculture and coastal development.

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