Static electricity can control nanoballoon

Molecular sized machines could in the future be used to control important mechanisms in the body. In a recent study, researchers at University of California, Berkeley and Umeå University show how a nanoballoon comprising ...

Nobel: Big hopes rest on tiny machines

Molecular machines, which earned their inventors the Nobel Chemistry Prize on Wednesday, are a fraction of the width of a human hair but strong enough to move things 10,000 times their size.

Mapping our galaxy: The Milky Way revealed

The European Space Agency will unveil on Wednesday a three-dimensional map of a billion stars in our galaxy that is 1,000 times more complete than anything existing today.

Down to the wire: Researchers and new bacteria

Scientists sponsored by the Office of Naval Research (ONR) have genetically modified a common soil bacteria to create electrical wires that not only conduct electricity, but are thousands of times thinner than a human hair.

Identifying pesticides in hair

For her Master's project in environmental sciences, Christelle Oltramare collected 110 hair samples in Burkina Faso and came up with a process for identifying several types of pesticides.

Project to help bring widespread use of micro-robotics

Micro-robotic manipulators with the ability to move in increments far smaller than the width of a human hair might be enlisted for a range of applications in research, manufacturing, medicine and homeland security.

Chemists use DNA to build the world's tiniest thermometer

Researchers at University of Montreal have created a programmable DNA thermometer that is 20,000x smaller than a human hair. This scientific advance reported this week in the journal Nano Letters may significantly aid our ...

Microbots can clean up polluted water

(—A new study shows that a swarm of hundreds of thousands of tiny microbots, each smaller than the width of a human hair, can be deployed into industrial wastewater to absorb and remove toxic heavy metals. The ...

Research leads to new discoveries about structure of human hair

A recent study on the detailed micro-structure of human hair reveals new details about the structure of a single strand of human hair, including new models of the molecular arrangements in two different regions of a hair. ...

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