'Relentless cyclones' continue to batter US state of California

A "relentless parade of cyclones" hitting the US state of California was expected to shift farther to the north, the US National Weather Service said Thursday, as the region continued to struggle with massive floods and landslides.

Chipped teeth suggests Homo naledi had a unique diet

There was a lot of excitement when scientists reported the discovery of an entirely new hominin species, Homo naledi, in 2015. Since then, we are gradually learning more about them. For example, earlier this year, researchers ...

A squeeze down a narrow crack, and then an amazing discovery

Jagged rocks hooked into Steven Tucker's overalls as he squeezed through a crack deep in a subterranean cave. Upon emerging at the other end, he saw he was in a chamber with stalactites hanging from the ceiling. Then his ...

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