Antibodies from the desert as guides to diseased cells

Nanoparticles are considered a promising approach in detecting and fighting tumour cells. The method has, however, often failed because the human immune system recognizes and rejects them before they can fulfil their function. ...

Cell powerhouses shape risk of heart disease

( —Genes in mitochondria, the "powerhouses" that turn sugar into energy in human cells, shape each person's risk for heart disease and diabetes, according to a study published recently by researchers at the University ...

Scientists generate "mini-kidney" structures from human stem cells

( —Diseases affecting the kidneys represent a major and unsolved health issue worldwide. The kidneys rarely recover function once they are damaged by disease, highlighting the urgent need for better knowledge of ...

Virtual reality tool developed to untangle genes

Researchers from Oxford have been using virtual reality software to compile genetic data to create models which explain how genes are controlled within their natural chromosomal environments.

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