Cilia-free stem cells offer new path to study rare diseases

A group of rare diseases called "ciliopathies"—polycystic kidney disease notable among them—emerge from defects in cilia, the tiny hair-like structures on the surface of almost every cell type. But the specific molecular-level ...

A new era of mitochondrial genome editing has begun

Researchers from the Center for Genome Engineering within the Institute for Basic Science developed a new gene-editing platform called transcription activator-like effector-linked deaminases, or TALED. TALEDs are base editors ...

Researchers identify leprosy in wild chimpanzees

An international team that includes researchers John Spencer, Ph.D., and Charlotte Avanzi, Ph.D., of the Colorado State University Mycobacteria Research Laboratories has identified leprosy in wild chimpanzees in the West ...

New feral swine research helps pinpoint anthrax risk zones

A microscopic anthrax spore can lie dormant in the soil for decades until it ends up in a suitable host. Factor in feral swine and their natural tendency to root and wallow, and whose exploding population is estimated at ...

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