Animation research moves forward, one wardrobe at a time

Animated characters can mimic human behavior extremely well. They can perform jaw-dropping feats of life and death. But there's one trick that digital denizens haven't quite yet mastered: getting dressed and putting their ...

CAPTCHA evokes sympathetic (aka correct) response

(—CAPTCHAs by definition (stands for Completely Automated Public Turing Test to tell Computers and Humans Apart) are gotcha tools that are used to spot automated-attack attempts posing as people. CAPTCHA programs ...

As prices soar, Japan returns to human waste fertilizer

It's cheap, recycled, and has centuries of tradition: "shimogoe" or "fertilizer from a person's bottom" is finding new favor in Japan as Ukraine's war hikes the price of chemical alternatives.

Chinese writing: From complexity to greater complexity

The world's major writing systems have tended to simplify over time, with a notable exception: New research shows that the Chinese writing system has become increasingly complex over the course of its 3000-year history.

Emoji reveal whiteness as driver of technology

Even though they may seem benign ways to communicate emotions in text conversations, emoji reveal technology is shaped by cultural ideologies about race, according to research from the University of Alabama.

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