Tracking flight trajectory of evaporating cough droplets

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has led many researchers to study airborne droplet transmission in different conditions and environments. The latest studies are starting to incorporate important aspects of fluid physics to ...

Evolutionary flaws disprove the theory of intelligent design

Evolution has produced countless amazing life forms, but you need look no further than to the human body to find examples showing that evolution has also produced a number of poor constructions."The many flaws of evolution ...

Mathematics adds to understanding human disease

Researchers at the University of Melbourne have developed an energy-based mathematical modelling technique to build models of the complex biochemical systems within the human body.

New remote-controlled microrobots for medical operations

For the past few years, scientists around the world have been studying ways to use miniature robots to better treat a variety of diseases. The robots are designed to enter the human body, where they can deliver drugs at specificlocations ...

What is the best radiation shielding for the surface of Mars?

The planet Mars is calling to us. At least, that is the impression one gets when examining all the planned and proposed missions to the red planet in the coming decade. With so many space agencies currently sending missions ...

WABIAN robot from Japan steps closer to human walk

( —Researchers designing adult bipedal robots have faced a challenge in limitations in a robot's walking pattern. They seek ways to improve on designs to have robots move more naturally. Improving the walking function ...

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