3-D printed custom silicon heart valves

Scientists at ETH Zurich and the South African company Strait Access Technologies are using 3-D printing to produce custom-made artificial heart valves from silicone. This could help meet an aging population's growing demand ...

'Smart' medical material aims to unfurl at 98.6 degrees

(Phys.org) —Mechanical Engineering Professor Lih-Sheng (Tom) Turng has a simple office demonstration of how shape-memory polymers work. He takes the material, which is formed into a compact flower bud, drops the bud in ...

Lab-made blood vessels: Mechanics matters

Biodegradable tubes that turn into living blood vessels once implanted in the human body. In an imaginary, modern remake of Fantastic Voyage, Isaac Asimov would probably navigate his submersible through the folds of our cardiovascular ...

Research brings 'smart hands' closer to reality

Using your skin as a touchscreen has been brought a step closer after UK scientists successfully created tactile sensations on the palm using ultrasound sent through the hand.

Mothers ensure their offspring's success through epigenetics

Parents pass genes along to their offspring traits that equip them for life. In recent years, research has shown that the reality is much more complex and that parents endow much more than just genes. A new study in Cell ...

'Ultrashort' PFAS compounds detected in people and their homes

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) have become ubiquitous throughout the environment, and increasing evidence has demonstrated their deleterious effects. A group of smaller, fluorinated compounds are becoming replacements ...

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