Researchers develop landmark achievement in walking technology

Researchers at the College of Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University have developed a novel design approach for exoskeletons and prosthetic limbs that incorporates direct feedback from the human body. The findings were ...

Your right size without measuring for online shopping

A group of PHD students from the Computer Vision Centre (Universitat Autònoma de Bacelona) have developed an app called Verisize with which you can know your right size for any brand and garment when buying online. This ...

First contracting human muscle grown in laboratory

In a laboratory first, Duke researchers have grown human skeletal muscle that contracts and responds just like native tissue to external stimuli such as electrical pulses, biochemical signals and pharmaceuticals.

Study points to new weapon in fight against lethal fungi

Researchers at Monash University have gained insights into how nanoparticles could be used to identify the presence of invasive and sometimes deadly microbes, and deliver targeted treatments more effectively.

Scientists unlock tangled mysteries of DNA

Chromosomal proteins hold the key to our DNA and they are changing, according to Jose Eirin-Lopez, marine sciences professor in the Florida International University Department of Biological Sciences.

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