Cuba's first solar farm a step toward renewables

It's like a vision of the space age, carved out of the jungle: Thousands of glassy panels surrounded by a lush canopy of green stretch as far as the eye can see, reflecting the few clouds that dot the sky on a scorching Caribbean ...

Venezuela, China to launch satellite next year

Venezuela and China will develop an observation satellite to be built in Asia and launched from South America in 2012, according to Venezuela's science and technology minister.

Venezuelan election heats up via social media

With tweets, Facebook pages and YouTube videos, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and rival Henrique Capriles are waging an online battle ahead of the country's October 7 elections.

U.S. losing its lead in space, experts warn Congress

America's once clear dominance in space is eroding as other nations, including China, Iran and North Korea, step up their activities, a panel of experts told the House subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics Thursday.

Need to embalm a world leader? Call Russia

It's a process described as "not a pretty sight" that involves the extraction of all the blood from a corpse. But if Venezuela needs help embalming Hugo Chavez then Russia has expertise stretching back to Soviet revolutionary ...

New computer virus targets Venezuelans after vote

(AP)—A newly detected computer virus aims to steal Venezuelans' online credentials using a link that purports to reveal information about the country's recent presidential election, the digital security company Kaspersky ...

Birds far from angry in Cuban vet's sanctuary

A retired Cuban veterinarian has found a new direction rescuing rare birds, breeding parrots and peacocks, winning enough feathered-world fame to swap fowl with Venezuela's Hugo Chavez.

Hugo Chavez launches website in Venezuela

(AP) -- Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has launched a new website and has starting blogging in an attempt to expand his online presence.

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