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Astronomers find 'gold standard' star in Milky Way

In our sun's neighborhood of the Milky Way Galaxy is a relatively bright star, and in it, astronomers have been able to identify the widest range of elements in a star beyond our solar system yet.

Examining the heart of Webb: The final phase of commissioning

NASA's James Webb Space Telescope is now experiencing all seasons—from hot to cold—as it undergoes the thermal stability test. Meanwhile, activities are underway for the final phase of commissioning: digging into the ...

4 billion-year-old relic from early solar system heading our way

An enormous comet—approximately 80 miles across, more than twice the width of Rhode Island—is heading our way at 22,000 miles per hour from the edge of the solar system. Fortunately, it will never get closer than 1 billion ...

Giant space telescopes could be made out of liquid

The Hubble space telescope has a primary mirror of 2.4 meters. The Nancy Grace Roman telescope also has a mirror measuring 2.4 meters, and the James Webb Space Telescope has a whopping 6.5 meter primary mirror. They get the ...

Astronomers inspect nova T Aurigae with Hubble

Using the Hubble Space Telescope (HST), astronomers from Villanova University have analyzed spectroscopic observations of a nearby old nova known as T Aurigae. Results of this study, published March 29 on the arXiv pre-print ...

Early universe bristled with starburst galaxies

In the first few billion years after the Big Bang, the universe contained far more so-called starburst galaxies than models predict. As many as 60 to 90% of the stars in the early universe appear to have been produced by ...

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