Study explores the role of landlords in housing discrimination

Examining the practices landlords use to screen potential tenants can offer significant insights into how racism continues to shape life outcomes. While sociological research on racial discrimination in housing has increasingly ...

Planning system in England is perpetuating racial inequality

New research published by the Institute for Social Policy, Housing, Equalities Research (I-SPHERE) based at Heriot-Watt University has found that the planning process in England is reinforcing racial inequality, despite having ...

How to strengthen housing safety nets

U.S. homeowners and renters need stronger safety nets than existing social insurance programs provide to prevent housing insecurity during economic downturns, according to a new paper based on a study by Wharton real estate ...

New visa restrictions will make the US economic downturn worse

The Trump administration is expected to set limits on a popular program that allows international students to work in the U.S. after graduation while remaining on their student visas. The restrictions on the Optional Practical ...

Global liquidity shocks impact house prices

New research from Cass Business School has found that global liquidity shocks do impact house prices in both emerging and advanced economies but this can be mitigated by government policy.

Stable housing in infancy nets lifelong benefits

Housing stability in the first thousand days of a child's development has a potential economic benefit of $3 billion annually, new research from PwC and the Strong Foundations collaboration has found.

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