Obama orders creation of intelligence review group

President Barack Obama is directing his national intelligence director to form a panel of outside experts to review government intelligence and communications technologies.

3Qs: Will rising home prices cause another housing bubble?

Home prices have once again started to rise, making significant gains for the first time since the housing bubble burst in 2007. While that's good news for sellers, it could be bad news for the nation's economy. Joseph Giglio, ...

Study shows federal housing program helps lowest income tenants

With 2.2 million units created, the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program is the largest federal program for the creation and renovation of affordable housing. But while public funding for private housing can serve ...

Cuba, US scientists kick off cooperation meeting

Scientists from the Cuba and United States will Monday begin a five-day meeting aimed at exploring opportunities for cooperation on range of research fields, including biological and environmental sciences, and science policy, ...

US unveils plan to make online transactions safer

(AP) -- In the murky world of the Internet, how do you ever really know who you're talking to, who you're buying from or if your bank can actually tell it's you when you log in to pay a bill?

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