Trio charged with running $54M green-energy Ponzi scheme

Three people were charged Thursday with running a $54 million Ponzi scheme built on promises of a green energy technology that would turn trash into fuel and "carbon-negative" housing developments, neither of which were ever ...

Boston is made for walking, study finds

Metro Boston is on the leading edge of a national shift away from drivable suburban living and toward walkable urbanism, according to a report released Wednesday and co-written by researchers at Northeastern's Dukakis Center ...

Affordable housing linked to children's test scores

It's long been accepted – with little science to back it up – that people should spend roughly a third of their income on housing. As it turns out, that may be about how much a low-income family should spend to optimize ...

White House moves to curb 'patent trolls' (Update 2)

The White House moved Tuesday to crack down on abuses of the patent system, responding to mounting concern among technology companies over a flood of litigation which some say stifles innovation.

Mate choice in mice is heavily influenced by paternal cues

Mate choice is a key factor in the evolution of new animal species. The choice of a specific mate can decisively influence the evolutionary development of a species. In mice, the attractiveness of a potential mate is conveyed ...

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