Cohousing is an inclusive approach to smart, sustainable cities

The idea that technology will fix complex and systemic problems like climate change, poverty, the housing crisis or health care is simplistic to say the least. We need a radical shift in how we live, and designing for environmental ...

In coastal communities, sea level rise may leave some isolated

Amid the threat of dramatic sea level rise, coastal communities face unprecedented dangers, but a new study reveals that as flooding intensifies, disadvantaged populations will be the ones to experience some of the most severe ...

Renters spend less on housing but more on energy, study finds

( —While low-income families often choose multifamily housing for its affordability, a new University of Arizona study finds they could be spending hundreds more in utility costs every year due to a lack of energy-efficient ...

Kenya backs farming of Monsanto-created GM crop

Kenya has approved the cultivation a GM variety strand created by Monsanto, the president's office said, the first time such crops have been allowed in the dynamic East African economy.

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