Related topics: respondents

US income distribution winners and losers

People all over the world have spent almost six months in front of universities, public parks, banks, and even Wall Street to publicly protest their dissatisfaction with economic inequality. But how much disparity really ...

Dish Network 3Q earnings climb 30 percent

(AP) -- Dish Network Corp. posted another loss of subscribers from its slowly dwindling satellite-TV business, even as larger competitor DirecTV adds to its base.

Who should solve the digital divide?

The idea of a "digital divide" -- describing those who can or cannot get on the Internet -- has been around since the 1990s. Although, it used to refer mostly to access, now it often also means the quality and speed of Internet ...

Financial impacts of 'cap and trade'

So-called "cap and trade" legislation has often been portrayed as a regressive policy -- one that would hit poor people the hardest. A new MIT study concluded that this is not the case.

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