Related topics: respondents

How the expanded child tax credit is helping families

American households making less than $50,000 are more likely than higher-earning families to spend the expanded child tax credit on essential expenses and tutors for their children, found a survey from the Social Policy Institute ...

Rising pension age will cut volunteering

Every year about 6 million Australian volunteers chip in more than 500 million hours of unpaid labor but raising the retirement age will reduce people's ability to contribute their free time and efforts, a Flinders University ...

New tool estimates how much affordable housing a city needs

Canada needs a more cohesive strategy to help the more than 1.7 million people currently living in unaffordable, overcrowded or poor-condition housing, says UBC expert Dr. Penny Gurstein, head of the Housing Research Collaborative ...

UK pandemic hammered minorities, self-employed: study

Ethnic minorities, the self-employed and low-income families in Britain suffered greater deprivation levels during the coronavirus pandemic despite "surprisingly positive" living standards figures, a report published on Thursday ...

How race, sex and class combine to affect school results

When it comes to education, we cannot think about race, sex and class in isolation. When I was commissioned by the UK government to investigate how these issues affect academic achievement, I discovered how they all matter—and ...

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