Squashed loft insulation 50 percent less effective

Research from the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) has shown that by squashing down loft insulation, for example under storage boxes, homeowners almost halve its performance.

'Energy poverty' a growing problem

(Phys.org) -- Low-income households in Australia are increasingly at risk of "energy poverty", a situation in which a household must spend more than 10 percent of its disposable income on energy bills, according to a paper ...

New tools are needed to make water affordable, says study

Rising water prices are forcing many households in the United States to choose between rationing water or risking shutoff by leaving bills unpaid. A study in Environmental Research Letters shows that government agencies and ...

Saving on energy bills: Meeting families in the middle

(PhysOrg.com) -- A study released today by researchers at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) identifies steps that energy efficiency program managers can take to deliver significant savings on home energy ...

Poll: Germans accept nuke exit despite rising bill

A new poll finds that a large majority of Germans back the government's decision to phase out nuclear power and switch to renewable energies within a decade, despite rising electricity bills.

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