Keystone pipeline passes one US legislative hurdle

The US House of Representatives on Friday approved construction of the controversial Keystone XL pipeline to bring oil from Canada, but the measure could still find itself blocked in the Senate.

US NSA chief backs cybersecurity law

The head of the powerful National Security Agency, General Keith Alexander, said the US must adopt a law to protect the country from cyberattacks while insisting that it would respect privacy.

House Democrats talk to Cambridge Analytica whistleblower

House Democrats, frustrated by what they see as GOP inaction and with an eye on midterm elections, on Tuesday held the first of what they hope to be several interviews with witnesses who have not been interrogated in the ...

COVID economic recovery: What might a green stimulus look like?

Every Thursday at 8:30am EST, the Labor Department releases the number of Americans who have filed for unemployment in the last week. By mid-June, the total number of Americans impacted by the "corona-recession" had hit nearly ...

How COVID-19 put poverty reduction back on the agenda

Lower income people bore the brunt of the economic repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, efforts to reduce poverty were adopted in Canada and the United States. But how did partisan politics shape each government's ...

US election: Turning off TikTok is a big risk for the Democrats

Popular social media platform TikTok stands accused of holding US data in China, fostering censorship, and spreading disinformation. Its popularity poses a dilemma for US politicians, but especially Democrats who have heavily ...

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