Study: How restaurants reap higher wine sales

( -- A Cornell study has identified four strategies that restaurants use to reap higher wine sales: including the wine list on the food menu and listing prices without a dollar sign.

What's for dinner on Mars?

Imagine finding freeze-dried meats and fruits, dehydrated vegetables, egg crystals, ghee-like anhydrous butter, powdered milk and chipotle peppers in your kitchen, but not a morsel of fresh food.

Report: Focus on women travelers is growing

When businesswomen travel, well-lit hallways, comfortable beds and rooms with big windows are not enough to make them want to return to a hotel. They need to feel valued.

In Spain, eco-friendly hotels are more profitable

( -- Hotels in Spain that have sustainability certification are more profitable than those in that country that don't, according to a new study from Cornell University's Center for Hospitality Research (CHR).

Small restaurants counter backlash against chains

When large restaurant companies implement sustainability policies, customers are deeply skeptical of the efforts -- and their opinion of those companies may actually diminish. But consumers do give smaller restaurants a nod ...