Eco-friendly method for extracting xylan from birch developed

In his doctoral thesis, researcher Petri Kilpeläinen of the Natural Resources Institute Finland has developed an eco-friendly method for extracting xylan from birch sawdust using pressurised hot water as asolvent.

Tulips free of stem nematodes thanks to hot water treatment

Tulip bulbs are susceptible to stem nematodes. Growers live in fear of the small pathogens as just one affected bulb can be disastrous for an entire batch. Moreover, until, very recently the standard hot water treatment remedy ...

Paraffins to cut energy consumption in homes

Thermal energy storage is a common strategy in energy production systems in which the period of production does not coincide with that of consumption. This happens with the production of hot water by means of solar thermal ...

Cassini spacecraft reveals 101 geysers and more on icy Saturn moon

Scientists using mission data from NASA's Cassini spacecraft have identified 101 distinct geysers erupting on Saturn's icy moon Enceladus. Their analysis suggests it is possible for liquid water to reach from the moon's underground ...

Fungal infection control methods for lucky bamboo

The popularity of ornamental plants imported to the United States from China is accompanied by concerns about the potential to introduce pathogens into the market. Dracaena, a genus consisting of approximately 40 different ...

In Austria, heat is 'recycled' from the sewer

Vast amounts of hot water from household appliances, businesses and factories gurgle down the drain every day, wasting not only H2O but also another precious resource: heat energy.

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