NASA selects 4 CubeSats for space weather tech development

Four CubeSats—CubIXSS, SunCET, DYNAGLO, and WindCube—have been selected by NASA's Heliophysics Flight Opportunities in Research and Technology program in cooperation with NASA's Space Weather Science Application. Together, ...

THOR: Driving collaboration in heavy-ion collision research

In the universe's earliest moments, particles existed in an unimaginably hot plasma, whose behavior was governed by deeply complex webs of interaction between individual particles. Today, researchers can recreate these exotic ...

Electric solid propellant: Can it take the heat?

Electric solid propellants are being explored as a safer option for pyrotechnics, mining, and in-space propulsion because they only ignite with an electric current. But because all of these applications require high heat, ...

Wet plasma makes a nano-sized splash

Oil and water do not mix, but a KAUST team has exploited the distinct interfaces between these substances to make plasma generation in liquids more efficient. This approach holds promise for high-yield synthesis of nanomaterials ...

Plasma protection for rice crops

Diseased rice seeds treated with atmospheric plasma show significant improvement and growth, offering a potential tool to protect rice crops from fungus and blight. A team from Tohoku University in Japan found that immersing ...

Fusion reactor designs with 'long legs' show promise

Magnetic fusion is all about managing the interface between hot plasma and ordinary materials. The strong magnetic field in a tokamak—the vessel used in this fusion approach—is a very effective insulator; it is able to ...

Hot lithium vapors shield fusion facility walls

Recent experiments provide the first assessment of the toughness of a novel lithium coating in the face of intense bombardment by very hot plasma in the divertor region of fusion devices. The results show that this coating ...

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