'Hot Jupiter' detected around nearby variable star

(Phys.org)—Astronomers have detected a new "hot Jupiter" exoplanet orbiting a nearby T Tauri star known as TAP 26. The newly detected alien world, designated TAP 26 b, is about 66 percent more massive than Jupiter and is ...

Cloudy nights, sunny days on distant hot Jupiters

The weather forecast for faraway, blistering planets called "hot Jupiters" might go something like this: Cloudy nights and sunny days, with a high of 2,400 degrees Fahrenheit (about 1,300 degrees Celsius, or 1,600 Kelvin).

Cloudy days on exoplanets may hide atmospheric water

Water is a hot topic in the study of exoplanets, including "hot Jupiters," whose masses are similar to that of Jupiter, but which are much closer to their parent star than Jupiter is to the sun. They can reach a scorching ...

New 'hot Jupiter' discovered by Kepler's K2 mission

(Phys.org)—Despite losing its two reaction wheels, NASA's Kepler spacecraft hasn't stopped amazing the scientific community by detecting new alien worlds. The repurposed Kepler mission, called K2, has recently discovered ...

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