UK issues 1st-ever 'red' warning for hot weather next week

British authorities issued their first ever "red" warning for extreme heat early next week, declaring a national emergency as forecasters predict record temperatures that will put even healthy people at risk of serious illness ...

No warming hiatus for extreme hot temperatures

Extremely hot temperatures over land have dramatically and unequivocally increased in number and area despite claims that the rise in global average temperatures has slowed over the past 10 to 20 years.

The role of vegetation in reducing thermal stress in urban areas

Scientists at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) conducted a multi-year empirical study to assess the impact of trees on city temperatures. Taking the city of Würzburg as an example, the researchers showed that vegetation ...

From lake to land, in a land of lakes

( -- What animal can see only a limited distance, has no top front teeth, and prefers shady, wet areas such as bogs and marshes?

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