Honeybees show tipping points

Parasites, lack of food, cold snaps, pesticides, and poor management all can stress honeybee colonies, making it difficult to pin their collapse on a single source. However, in controlled field tests, honeybee colonies show ...

US survey finds 23% of bee colonies died this winter

Nearly one out of four American honeybee colonies died this winter—a loss that's not quite as bad as recent years, says a new U.S. Department of Agriculture survey of beekeepers.

Lonely bees make better guests

Solitary bees are twice as likely to pollinate the flowers they visit as their more sociable counterparts, according to a new study.

Breeding a better bee

The population of honeybees remains endangered, threatening the world's food supply, and scientists have decided that the best way to save the insects may be to breed a better bee.

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