Honey bees have sharper eyesight than we thought

Research conducted at the University of Adelaide has discovered that bees have much better vision than was previously known, offering new insights into the lives of honey bees, and new opportunities for translating this knowledge ...

Study shows Africanized bees continue to spread in California

A study conducted by biologists at UC San Diego has found that the Africanized honey bee—an aggressive hybrid of the European honey bee—is continuing to expand its range northward since its introduction into Southern ...

Pesticides and poor nutrition damage animal health

The combined effects of pesticides and a lack of nutrition form a deadly one-two punch, new research from biologists at the University of California San Diego has shown for the first time.

To save honey bees we need to design them new hives

Honey bees are under extreme pressure. The number of honey bee colonies in the US has been declining at an average rate of almost 40% since 2010. The biggest contributor to this decline is viruses spread by a parasite, Varroa ...

Genetic study offers insight into the social lives of bees

Most people have trouble telling them apart, but bumble bees, honey bees, stingless bees and solitary bees have home lives that are as different from one another as a monarch's palace is from a hippie commune or a hermit's ...

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