Gay class tourism

New research at the University of Leicester is investigating a growing fascination with 'chav' culture among middle-class gay men in Britain.

Let's talk about gay penguins: Munich zoo joins Pride week

Organisers of this year's Gay Pride week in Munich have a group of rather wild partners—penguins, giraffes and lions at the city zoo where tours are being run about same-sex love in the animal kingdom.

The media shape public opinion about surrogacy and homosexuality

The media play a key role in informing society and in shaping perceptions and judgments about social issues, particularly concerning issues on which there is insufficient knowledge or a lack of experience. For example, one ...

China web users laud Apple boss for coming out

Apple chief Tim Cook's announcement of his homosexuality was the top topic on Chinese Internet forums Friday, with many users lauding him as a hero—and some joking about his declaration.

One Europe or many?

As attention on the economic differences between European countries continue following the Great Recession, the European Social Survey reveals significant differences in moral and social attitudes too.

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