'Smart' homes open doors to hackers

Smart homes that let residents control alarms, locks and more over the internet are opening doors for crooks with hacker skills, according to computer security specialists.

UK gov't told to rethink data surveillance plan

(AP)—British lawmakers on Tuesday demanded the government water down plans to keep track of phone calls, email and Internet activity—a bill critics dub a "snooper's charter."

'Evil' Australian hacker faces 49 charges

A man who used the online nickname "Evil" has been charged with hacking attacks that police Wednesday alleged could have caused considerable damage to Australias national infrastructure.

Home-computer users at risk due to use of 'folk model' security

(PhysOrg.com) -- Most home computers are vulnerable to hacker attacks because the users either mistakenly think they have enough security in place or they don’t believe they have enough valuable information that would ...

Home security is going high-tech to counter housing bust

While almost every other piece of the consumer electronics business has gotten wired and then wireless over the last 10 years, home security systems have remained stubbornly low-tech.

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