Study reveals space use, movement of bighorn sheep in Nebraska

In the Nebraska Panhandle, where the flatlands of the state's eastern expanse occasionally give way to rocky buttes and canyons that preview the mountainous terrain farther west, reside pockets of bighorn sheep, a species ...

Newly-introduced butterfly could become widespread in Canada

This summer, if you see a butterfly with wings that are blue on top with orange spots underneath, you may have crossed paths with a male European Common Blue (or Polyommatus icarus), a newly introduced species in Canada.

Pilot whale study reveals copycat calls to outsmart predators

New Curtin University research has found southern Australian long-finned pilot whales are able to mimic the calls of its natural predator and food rival—the killer whale, as a possible ploy to outsmart it.

Violent encounters between gorillas slow population growth rate

As wildlife populations decline around the globe, understanding the natural and human-induced factors that influence their growth is critical for determining the risk of population declines and developing effective conservation ...

Bumblebee habitats and diets change over their lifecycle

Bumblebees change their home ranges and dietary preferences after establishing nests, suggesting that diversified landscapes help support bee populations as their needs change during different phases of their lifecycle, according ...

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