Smart home coming whether Americans are ready or not

Lowe's executives are hesitant to say that we've arrived at the home of the Jetsons, with everything in your house automated and controlled by computers and wireless devices, but they say we're not far off.

Key factors for wireless power transfer

What happens to a resonant wireless power transfer system in the presence of complex electromagnetic environments, such as metal plates? A team of researchers explored the influences at play in this type of situation, and ...

Top electronics fair embraces 'grey' gizmos

High-tech gadgets to make the lives of senior citizens simpler, safer and more fun are in the spotlight at the world's top showcase for consumer electronics and home appliances.

Samsung announces new push into Internet-connected gadgets

Samsung wants to sell the digital brains that will go into billions of "smart" home appliances, industrial sensors and other Internet-connected gadgets—even if the gadgets aren't made by Samsung.

Japan eco-fair seeks to reach next generation

Japanese schoolchildren in yellow scarves, blue hats and red caps buzzed through an eco-products fair -- a green show-and-tell for high tech companies seeking to enthuse a new generation.

World's first handheld sound camera ready for market

Most car drivers have had the experience of hearing a buzzing, squeaky, or rattling sound while driving but not being able to figure out where the noise is coming from. The problem could be simple, requiring a quick fix, ...

Haptic solution for modelling industrial designs

( -- Industrial design modelling, used to make prototypes of home appliances or mock-ups of car parts, could soon make the leap from the world of plaster, plastic and sticky tape into the digital domain thanks ...

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