Miramax films stream to Facebook

Hollywood studio Miramax on Monday began making some of its films available for online viewing as rentals at social networking powerhouse Facebook.

Game consoles here to stay despite smartphone onslaught

Games on tablets and smartphones are better, faster and more varied than ever, but the excitement surrounding the upcoming PlayStation 4—expected to attract big crowds at this week's Tokyo Game Show—proves consoles are ...

Judge tells Zediva to stop web streaming of movies

(AP) -- A federal judge in Los Angeles issued a preliminary injunction favoring the Motion Picture Association of America in its copyright infringement lawsuit against video-streaming startup Zediva.

Warner looks beyond movies to find game success

"The Dark Knight Rises" doesn't hit movie theaters for nine months, but Batman is at the heart of what may just be Warner Bros.' most important release of the fall.

YouTube to offer online movie rentals

YouTube is considering streaming movies for rental, a move that would see the free video-sharing site charging for content for the first time, The Wall Street Journal reported Wednesday.

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