Related topics: holiday season

'Google TV': Sony unveils TVs with Google's Web-surfing system

Sony Corp.'s lineup of sleek televisions boasting Google Inc.'s Web-surfing system will go on sale Saturday, testing how much consumers are willing to pay to combine access to the entire Internet with their regular TV programming.

Economist outlines work on managing tasks and time

"When a man knows he is to be hanged in a fortnight," said Samuel Johnson, "it concentrates his mind wonderfully." Most of us, spared such an imperative, carry on in a less-concentrated state, but it holds that of limited ...

Nintendo 3DS game system gets momentum in US

Nintendo on Tuesday announced that it sold more than four million of its sophisticated 3DS handheld videogame gadgets in the United States by end of 2011.

The new consoles from Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony (Update)

Microsoft and Sony offered new details this week on the game consoles they will start selling before the holiday shopping season. The Xbox One and the PlayStation 4 will join Nintendo's Wii U, which came out last year, in ...

Disney icon Mickey Mouse becomes videogame hero

Mickey Mouse makes his US debut as a videogame hero Tuesday in "Wasteland," featuring an alternate world that includes Walt Disney Company's long forgotten characters and attractions.

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