Related topics: holiday season

Retailers ready to capitalize on smart phones' surge

Millions of people no longer head home to sign on to the Internet to shop. And that number is growing as fast as iPhone, Android and BlackBerry mobile devices can be stocked in stores.

Intel's test: buy the PC, then pay for more speed

(AP) -- What if you bought a house and were told there's a secret rooftop deck you'll have to pay extra to access? If you're shopping for a personal computer this holiday season, you might get that kind of proposition from ...

Sony to introduce new PlayStation3 with bigger memory

Electronics giant Sony said Tuesday it will introduce an upgraded PlayStation 3 videogame console in Japan at the end of July, with a bigger memory and a new white version on offer.

Providing good customer service is key to surviving down economy

The recession and the recent holiday shopping crunch have brought further into focus the true importance of receiving good customer service. Americans are being more careful than ever about how and where they spend their ...

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