Related topics: holiday season

Facebook users hit 'like,' stores jump into action

(AP)—Facebook isn't just for goofy pictures and silly chatter. Whether shoppers know it or not, their actions online help dictate what's in stores during this holiday season.

New generation is making the holidays mobile

It's getting hard to keep Christmas gifts a secret these days. Last year, Twitter posts revealed what President Obama was buying for his daughters a few days early.

Modern families and the winter holidays

Norman Rockwell defined the winter holidays for an entire generation with his depictions of rosy-cheeked children and their doting parents set against a heartfelt winter wonderland.

Android gains on Apple in surging tablet sector

The global market for tablet computers is growing faster than earlier estimates suggested, with Android-powered devices gaining on the market-leading iPads, a survey said Wednesday.

Tips for holiday tablet shoppers

One item sure to be on many holiday shopping lists this year is a tablet. But which one to choose?

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