Viral protein structure study offers HIV therapy hope

National Physical Laboratory is involved in a collaborative project that is helping to further the understanding of HIV viral protein structure which could lead to new molecular medicines.

Understanding the APJ Receptor Binding Site

( -- Apelin is a recently discovered peptide that binds to the apelin (or APJ) G-protein-coupled receptor. Apelin-13 (NH2-QRPRLSHKGPMPF-COOH), one of several cleavage products of the proprotein form of the apelin ...

Bioengineer is on the trail of cellular mysteries

( -- Working at the intersection of engineering and biology, faculty member Mohammad Mofrad is seeking to answer fundamental questions about the the biomechanics of human cells. His work may one day bring about ...

New HIV model suggests killer T cell for vaccine

Limited success in modelling the behaviour of the complex, unusual and unpredictable HIV virus has slowed efforts to develop an effective vaccine to prevent AIDS.

Building A Handheld HIV Detector

Most Africans infected with HIV live in rural areas, where access to HIV testing has lagged behind the growing availability of HIV-fighting drugs.

Mother is ?more essential? to orphans than breadwinner father

( -- The role of a mother in African families is even more essential to the well-being of a child than the role played by the breadwinner father, according to a study published in the latest issue of the journal ...

UNL research aims to understand homelessness among women

( -- Women make up nearly one-third of the homeless population in the United States. Yet little is known about how they become homeless or how they live. University of Nebraska-Lincoln sociologist Les Whitbeck ...

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