For a pioneer of technology, 100 years of 'Think'

Google, Apple and Facebook get all the attention. But the forgettable everyday tasks of technology - saving a file on your laptop, swiping your ATM card to get 40 bucks, scanning a gallon of milk at the checkout line - that's ...

How writing technology shaped classical thinking

The Roman poet Lucretius' epic work "De rerum natura," or "On the Nature of Things," is the oldest surviving scientific treatise written in Latin. Composed around 55 B.C.E., the text is a lengthy piece of contrarianism. Lucreutius ...

Is technology really too fast for society?

We often hear that technology is advancing so fast that society cannot keep up. But in reality, social change is intimately linked to technology changes, and that expectations of what technology can bring changes in intensity.

Western-led team may unlock rocky secrets of Mars

Humankind may be able to reach further back into the history of its nearest planetary neighbour, unlocking the secrets to the evolution, climate, and habitability of Mars, thanks to the efforts of a Western-led team tapped ...