Possible relics of lost WWII US bomber, crew found in Italy

An archaeological dig in Sicily has uncovered traces of a lost World War II American heavy bomber shot down in 1943, and possible human remains that could lead to identification of five airmen whose bodies were never recovered.

Women's football in Japan had a rich history before WWII

A team of scientists has found that women's football was common across Japan between the Meiji restoration and the start of the Second World War. In the process, they also uncovered the oldest known photograph of women playing ...

The end of domestic wine in 17th century Japan

Researchers from Kumamoto University (Japan) have found an Edo period document that clearly indicates the Hosokawa clan, rulers of the Kokura Domain (modern-day Fukuoka Prefecture), completely stopped producing wine in 1632, ...

Hurricanes pack a bigger punch for Florida's west coast

Boulder, Colo., U.S.: Hurricanes, the United States' deadliest and most destructive weather disasters, are notoriously difficult to predict. With the average storm intensity as well as the proportion of storms that reach ...

Study offers clues to how climate affected 1918 pandemic

Anew collaborative study by a group of scientists and historians finds a connection between the Spanish flu's European outbreaks, including its most deadly one at the end of World War I, and a six-year period of atrocious ...

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